The Nell’s Les Clefs d’Or Concierges

Les Clefs d’Or is an elite, international membership for professional concierges.The roster of Les Clefs d’Or USA concierges boasts more than 600 members, primarily from Four- and Five-star hotels. Its name is French, pronounced “lay clay door,” which translates as “keys of gold.” The crossed gold keys on each member’s lapels serve as an international symbol of service excellence and offer assurance that you’re being attended to by an experienced concierge.

At The Nell, five out of the six concierges on the team are Les Clefs d’Or-certified, which is noteworthy. Carol Hooper, Chef Concierge at The Nell (Chef, meaning Chief in French), explains Clefs d’Or members, on average, serve hotel guests occupying more than 250,000 hotel rooms nightly.

“Membership in Les Clefs d’Or USA offers the concierge professional many networking advantages and educational opportunities,” adds Hooper. “Building relationships across the globe is at the core of this organization. Connecting travelers to other members allows our guests to feel confident and well looked after, wherever their travels take them.”

In order to become a Les Clefs d’Or concierge, one must have five years of full-time concierge experience to apply and the application process can be quite long. One must get two sponsors who are in membership to write a letter of sponsorship to the organization, there is a rigorous exam, as well as secret shopper calls, membership interviews, and more. This is to guarantee that a concierge is knowledgeable, skillful and has outstanding communication skills.

Once approved, the concierge is presented with the golden cross keys, which gives The Little Nell guest confidence and trust in our concierge team’s services.

Carol Hooper, Alina Pittman, Troy Thibeault, Amanda Taylor and Maria Johnson.

Carol Hooper, Alina Pittman, Troy Thibeault, Amanda Taylor and Maria Johnson.


The Little Nell Concierge Desk can be reached at 970.920.6365 or via email,